Friday, December 28, 2007

#22 Audiobooks

More good stuff, I really like this podcast thing. So much 'freeware' out in cyberspace; I listened to a short podcast of Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress' (love it when he mentions the lady's "quaint honour"...) on the PC, but will return when I have more time (how often have I written this during these exercises!) and podcast tons more. Classic and contemporary books and stories, talks, discussions and more and more...

Because of the above, I latched onto some free audio books at

This appears to be a 'not for profit' site where people lend their skills and talent to put books on the web. So far the list is fairly contained, but enough to promote interest. I thought about offering to do some reading, because I have always wanted to do that...but I digress.

The Project Gutenberg is also fascinating with many additional works available for download at

I am making a note of this in my blog to act as a reminder that I have to get back into this.

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