Friday, December 28, 2007

#20 YouTube

This is great, I love YouTube. Mind you, there is an awful lot of bollocks to wade through before you find things worth watching. Earlier this year, I was teaching a VCE student in Melbourne, and I wanted an audio example of one of the pieces he was learning. I searched YouTube and there were a dozen or more videos of people playing this piece. Generally, they played it quite badly, but my student recognised this. He found the process useful, because he could get a basic idea of what the piece sounded like, but with a number of faults which I had already warned him to be wary of.

While zapping around, I found a number of videos that I thought were amusing and/or instructive. Here are a couple;

This bloke spends his days - and life - living in a disused mobile library (is there such a vehicle?)
at the northern end of Loch Ness. He sounds remarkably sane for someone who might not be.

Very witty, all the right questions and responses. I love the bit about "Do you want a cup of hot water?"

YouTube is an excellent repository for all sorts of artistic endeavours, such as Weird Al Yankovic's excellent Star Wars spoof to the tune of Don Maclean's American Pie;

So that's it. I think there is a gerat deal more bu this is all I have time for...

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