Yesterday, the first official day of summer 2007, I posted three photos on the public libraries' Flickr site. Even this process was attacked by the deus ex machina that has followed me relentlessly ever since beginning this technological odyssey. I managed to get the photos, which were on a laptop, onto a USB flash drive. Then I went step by step through the exercise of uploading them onto the appropriate web page.
But for about half an hour I was stymied by some bug that closed the Flickr site down every time I tried to get the pictures up and running. The web browser - I use Mozilla Firefox - continually wanted to send in an error report. This I eventually decided was the only way forward. Shortly I received a message saying that the possible cause of the problem was in a particular version of Flash Player (which of course I had), for which Adobe had not yet worked out a solution. So I had to upgrade to the 'latest' version, which then allowed me to continue and complete the exercise...I mean, fun challenge.
Actually, it was quite interesting. The main problem is that when things go wrong and I can't fix them, many hours of my life are over and gone in frustration while staring and swearing at a screen. Anyway, here is a link to my three pics.
Back soon.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
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Lovely photos- the New Globe Theatre is gorgeous- I went and saw The Merchant of Venice there last year, and although the seats were hard, at least I had one and wasn't in the 'penny' section (can't quite remember if that's what the standing area is called?). Anyhow, nice to see you persevering- maybe you truly are a raingod...
Well it was obviously worth it in the long-run. Your link directed me instantly to your Flickr photos (very nice - particularly the snow in South Gippsland - very atmospheric).
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