Sunday, August 10, 2008
Once more unto the beach...
Friday, December 28, 2007
#23 The end? The beginning? The end of the beginning?
So I have tended to view this all as 'Learning 2.0 Lite'. Having spoken with staff members to ask what they remember of the processes, terms, acronyms, etc., most could not recall much of what they had done without going over notes in some detail. That all being said, and putting aside degrees of success or failure in the various exercises, it has really been a terrific introduction into Web 2.0 technologies. It has inspired me to continue the process, and I must return to my blog on a regular basis, just to make sure I revisit at least some of those technologies...
...But I have actually finished.
Back soon...
#22 Audiobooks
Because of the above, I latched onto some free audio books at
This appears to be a 'not for profit' site where people lend their skills and talent to put books on the web. So far the list is fairly contained, but enough to promote interest. I thought about offering to do some reading, because I have always wanted to do that...but I digress.
The Project Gutenberg is also fascinating with many additional works available for download at
I am making a note of this in my blog to act as a reminder that I have to get back into this.
21 Podcasts
I hope to use this technology much more once I have found a podcast feed that does NOT open as soon as I turn on the computer and take over the desktop. Here is one podcast I added by RSS feed to my Bloglines account.
I tried to do the same for Stephen Fry whose blog is already one of my RSS feeds. But he doesn't appear to podcast any of his posts, which is a pity since he has an excellent speaking voice.
#20 YouTube
While zapping around, I found a number of videos that I thought were amusing and/or instructive. Here are a couple;
This bloke spends his days - and life - living in a disused mobile library (is there such a vehicle?)
at the northern end of Loch Ness. He sounds remarkably sane for someone who might not be.
Very witty, all the right questions and responses. I love the bit about "Do you want a cup of hot water?"
YouTube is an excellent repository for all sorts of artistic endeavours, such as Weird Al Yankovic's excellent Star Wars spoof to the tune of Don Maclean's American Pie;
So that's it. I think there is a gerat deal more bu this is all I have time for...
#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools
They are subject specific, and are useful/fun/encouraging to those who want to use them...? Which I suppose is the intent of most APIs.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
#18 Web-based Apps
- This looks interesting, though I will not have the time to mess around with it and discover its value to me. So, I am creating a test text document. It appears to function just the way normal text-based software operates, with an excellent range of formatting and diagnostic tools. Except of course, it's online and does not need software updates and the like.
I will attempt to save it to my blog.
Hopefully there will be time in the New World, after the Revolution has come, to return to some of these applications, and really get into them. This will certainly be on the list.